Bengaluru airport ties up with CleanMax for solar-wind energy | – Times of India

MUMBAI: Bangalore International airport has signed a 25-year long-term power purchase agreement with renewable energy company, Clean Max Enviro Energy Solutions (CleanMax) for the generation and supply of renewable energy from a 45.9 MW Solar-wind Captive Power Project. The initiative will enable yield of approximately 90 GWh of renewable energy annually with a CO2 reduction of 642 lacs kg [64,200 metric tonnes], according to CleanMax.
The captive power project set up in the solar-wind farm located in Jagaluru, Karnataka, owned and operated by CleanMax, will consist of 36 MWp of solar power and 9.9 MW of wind power plants, said CleanMax, in a press statement. “An estimated requirement of 90 million units of energy (kilo watt hours) on an annual basis, is being planned to be sourced from the captive renewable energy power plant. The project will ensure annual supply of approx. 58.3 million units of solar power and 31 million units of wind power utilising the existing grid infrastructure,” it added.
The annual yield of 90GWh renewable energy is equivalent of planting close to 11 lacs trees annually, it said, adding that the Jagaluru wind-solar farm in Karnataka has a total capacity of 290 MW and is a powerhouse for reducing carbon emissions. “It is expected to cut down a whopping 54,88,000 tons approx. of CO2 equivalent,” CleanMax said.
“Solar and Wind plants combine two of the fastest growing renewable energy technologies owing to their complementary nature. These highly efficient power plants provide reliability of continuous power supply and help effectively manage the consumption load,” it said added the project will be executed under a SPV named CLEAN MAX BIAL RENEWABLE ENERGY PRIVATE LIMITED.
Hari Marar, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, BIAL said, “Considering our expansion plans, we have undertaken a variety of steps to deploy onsite renewable energy generation systems, offsite renewable power procurement, to sustain our 100% renewable electricity consumption. The long-term power purchase agreement with CleanMax will play an important role in meeting the renewable energy needs for the expansion program of the airport and shall provide substantial cost savings, further bolstering our commitment to sustainability and responsible growth.” Kuldeep Jain, Founder and Managing Director, Clean Max Enviro Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. said, “This synergy in the aviation sector represents the conscious leap towards the way India approaches clean energy making it a vital part of our progress towards climate care.”

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